Liberali’s B1Agribusiness® is renamed Farm4all®
Present in more than 20 countries, Liberali has just taken another step towards establishing its internationalization. From now on, B1Agribusiness®, a suite of several agribusiness verticals complementary to SAP products, will be called Farm4all®.
The change of the nomenclature from B1Agribusiness® to Farm4all®, according to the CEO of Liberali, Régis Liberali, is part of the company’s strategic planning. “We want our product to have a greater international reach, so we decided it was time to modernize its name as we needed a strong, simple and far-reaching name.”
Now, Farm4all® follows the same strategy of serving SAP Business One natively, as we also have it on the Web platform, running on all Browsers and integrable with other SAP ERPs and also a Mobile platform, running on Android like IOS.
“We consider it an advance in the company’s internationalization process, as well as facilitating our communication with national and international customers, envisioning new business opportunities, as our goal is to expand our offer to countries that we do not yet serve, as well as increasing new languages”, highlights Régis Liberali.
In Brazil, the greatest customer demand is for solutions aimed at large crops, such as soybeans, corn, cotton, oranges, sugarcane, livestock and coffee, while abroad fruit leads the way. “Yes, there is a great demand for fruit, but it is not the only one, poultry and pig farming are highly requested by our customers abroad. As an example, in January we began the process of implementing our agricultural module in Africa, more precisely in Liberia to serve the African Palm culture, which shows that we have an intense year in 2020 with great challenges”, highlights Régis Liberali.
Liberali has more than 18 years in the market, headquartered in the Brazilian Center West, with branches in Bahia, Minas Gerais and São Paulo, sells, implements SAP solutions and develops solutions for agribusiness, thus bringing the best management tools to those who seeks more agility in implementation, ease of use and good practices in routines.
Its portfolio today is made up of 24 agro-industrial management software solutions, most of which have already been translated into Spanish and English, with several implementations outside the country, serving the international market with 43 international partners, it also has four certifications and two Innovation awards. together with SAP Brasil and SAP Global.
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